Welcome To Noahland

During the summer of 2017 Noah attended an art camp with a group of typical children from several different countries. At the end of the week the kids all showed off their artwork, sharing the flags they’d made, each representing their country of origin. Upon seeing Noah’s artwork Naomi said to them, “that must be Noah’s flag”. And one of the children piped up, “it’s Noahland!”

Noahland is actually a life full of wonder, surprises, difficulties, and achievement beyond the expectations of many. It is a glimpse into the things Noah CAN do. It is Noah being an active and visible participant in his community, living his best life, and encouraging others to do the same.

I am continually in awe of Noah and his mom and their many adventures. It is my hope that the readers – whatever their age – will be able to come into Noah’s world, get to know and enjoy him, and discover for themselves that we are more alike than they could have imagined!